Drink Waterlogic pure tasty water to boost your inner engine.

Drink Waterlogic pure tasty water to boost your inner engine.

Our bodies are made of up to 60% water - no wonder it craves water!

Think of your body as a car with a powerful and luxury engine. Water is your fuel - premium unleaded please. You want to keep running in top shape and “keep the tank full,” right? Then, you need to give it what it wants to handle the everyday demands.
Busy workdays are tough - getting you and you family up and out the door early, commuting, working all day, meetings, workouts, getting dinner on the table. It can be stressful so you want to make sure you're "tank is full" with the recommended eight 8oz glasses of water (or 2 Liters) each day.
Even if you’re not engaged in physical labor, your body still looks to water to refuel and keep you going throughout the day. Here are 7 ways that drinking water can give your inner engine a powerful boost:

Water Reduces Fatigue
One of the greatest health benefits of drinking water is that water can help you to feel more energized. Being slightly dehydrated can cause fatigue in your busy workday. Water helps to hydrate the body and lower blood pressure so it doesn’t have to work so hard to circulate blood.

Water Flushes Toxins
Busy people are known to cut corners when they are busy. Eating fast foods, Caffeine loading and a few drinks at a Cinq à sept after work can take it's toll. Improved water intake can reduce the effects on the bladder of irritants like caffeine or acidic foods. Drinking adequate water eases constipation and helps flush toxins that can cause kidney stones, bladder stones, and urinary tract infections. Water is one drink that has postive effects over time.

Water Eases Bloating
No doubt, bloating is one of the most uncomfortable feelings ever. Lisa Reed, owner of Lisa Reed Fitness, explains that bloating is often a side-effect of dehydration: “bloating happens when your body retains water because it is not getting enough.” Drinking more water reduces bloating, making one of the benefits of drinking more water an all-around more comfortable, happier you.

Water Reduces Headaches
The glass of water you take with your aspirin when your head is pounding is medicine, too! Roberta Perry, president of Scrubz Body, puts it best when she says “The reason is simple. Your brain needs water, because it is made up of mostly water. If it gets dehydrated, the tissue around it, holding it in place, gets taut and causes the strain that becomes a headache.” The glass of water you take Water Strengthens your Immune System
In fact, water plays a huge part in keeping you healthy.Christina K. Major, holistic nutritionist and naturopathic doctor, explains why your immune system depends on good hydration: “when you are dehydrated, your lymphatic system does not flow freely. This slows down your ability to fight off colds and the flu. Water also thins out the mucus in your nose and digestive system so bacteria and viruses can't enter your system easily.”

Eating Your Water Means Consuming More Minerals
According to founding director of NutriFit and author of Body after Baby:The Simple 30-Day Plan to Lose Your Baby Weight, Jackie Keller, food provides 20% of the water we need. Foods that are comprised mostly of water like cucumbers, Earth-Globe-croppedspinach, tomatoes, strawberries and watermelon (to name a few) help us to “consume more minerals, like sodium and potassium, which can help us retain the water that we eat.”

Water Helps You to Lose Weight
One of the most sought after health benefits of water is that it can help to regulate body weight. Ramon Einav, registered dietician at Kitchenbug, explains that, “at times thirst might be confused with hunger, leading to an excess of calorie consumption.” By drinking water before digging in when we feel hungry, we’re able to eliminate those excess calories from our diets. Tracee Gluhaich, a Personal Trainer and Health Coach, recommends adding lemon juice and cayenne to water to help boost the metabolism even further. A perfect aid for getting in shape for spring and summer!

All hail water!

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